Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day lunch

Happy Earth Day, Friends!! Yes, today, April 22, is Earth day. Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 and has been an important day ever since. Earth Day aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for our wonderful planet and environment. It's a day to contemplate the small steps we all can take to protect and keep them healthy.

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” —Jane Goodall

Wow!! What a great quote from British anthropologist Jane Goodall. Yes, the little things we do every day have a big impact on our planet. We can make a difference in how healthy the Earth is. Something as simple as turning the water off when brushing teeth, using cloth grocery bags, or recycling aluminum cans can make a difference. If we all make a conscience effort every day to do one thing to help the planet, just think of the cumulative effect this will have on the health of our Earth. 

I have made a list below of some additional ways we all can contribute to a healthy Earth. Many of these are things we may not immediately think of as helping our planet. No doubt, there are many more ways we can show respect for the wonderful earth. What else would you add to the list? Leave me a comment below and I'll add it!
___Eat more veggies.
___Ride your bike or walk for errands instead of driving a car.
___Wash clothes in cold water.
___Go meatless for dinner 2-3 times a week.
___Use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning...it will make tubs, sinks, and toilets sparkle.  

 ___Print on both sides of the paper.
___Shop at thrift stores (or upscale consignment shops). This is a favorite pastime of mine.
___Seal up your windows and doors for more energy savings.
___Sign up for online banking and go paperless with your other bills.
___Use ceiling fans in the spring to help cool (and for that matter, open a window on a breezy day).
___Clean the fridge coils often for better productivity from your most energy-guzzling appliance.
___Bring reusable bags with you to the grocery store.
___Recycle everything you can.
___Reuse Ziplock bags when possible (I totally do this, it drives my hubs crazy)
___Plant a garden or plant trees. 

___Don't idle your car when in the drive-thru at the bank or restaurants. Turn it off while you wait.
___If you see litter, pick it up even if it’s not yours.  We can all pitch in.
___Use cloth napkins at home.
___Install dimmers or motion-sensor lights.
___Before you throw out something perfectly good, post on Facebook and ask if anyone is interested in it.
___Fix leaky faucets.
___Skip the elevator and take the stairs. This will add to the health of your body, too.
___Donate old clothes to charity.
___Give your car a tune-up so it will run more efficiently.
___Start a compost pile.
___Pack your child's lunches with reusable containers. 
So, to support Earth Day and to show appreciation for this wonderfully amazing planet we call home, I have made a very "earthy" lunch for Z today.

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This lunch is packed in Easy Lunch Boxes.
*Natural Selects ham and cheddar cheese sandwich under the earth cake topper. I was so excited when I found this at Hobby Lobby the other day. I thought it would be perfect for an Earth Day lunch. It very quickly found it's way into my shopping cart.
*The "LOVE" is a cupcake icing decoration and "the earth" is cut from Colby-Jack cheese
*Rold Gold pretzel Spoonz under the sandwich
*carrot rounds and baby corn with rainbow baran and blue bird pick
*red seedless grapes and Craisins cranberries
*baby dill pickle
*linked to: Bento Bloggers and Friends/ Earth Day link up

Some of the things, or similar things, that I used to make this lunch: