Other Fun Stuff

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Planes, Trains, & Boats...

Well, tomorrow is a big day around here, Friends. Huge milestone for my 15 yr old...I'm taking him to get his driving learner's permit. All this nervousness of mine....for what? He has been very responsible and has prepared well for the written test, and he's attended a professional driving school. So, I'm certain that he's going to pass the test. And, the hubs has insisted offered to be the driving teacher in our fam. (Ok...I'm actually kind of glad for this.) But, it scares me sometimes to think of my baby out there on the road with all the crazies. Seems like only yesterday he was driving a tricycle. It's really hard to let our kids grow up sometimes, isn't it? Our kidlet's grow up in the blink of an eye, don't they? So, think about me tomorrow around 3:00...I'll be the parent of a teenage driver. Holy Mackerel!! Please pray I remain sane!! HaHa!

The little guy wanted his lunch in the Goodbyn Bynto today. He chose these cute transportation picks. These picks started out as buttons...yep, buttons. Give me a hot glue gun, and I can turn just about anything into a cute lunch accessory. Food grade plastic picks + hot glue gun + buttons= super cute lunch picks! Get your hot glue gun out, Friends, and see what kind of cuteness you can create.

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This lunch is packed in the Goodbyn Bynto.
  • peanut butter and strawberry all-fruit spread sandwich
  • cheddar cheese crackers
  • natural applesauce
  • Hershey's milk chocolate square
  • carrot rounds
  • red seedless grapes
I added a few fun transportation themed picks for a bit of cuteness.

Some of the things, or similar things, that I used to make this lunch:

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