Other Fun Stuff

Monday, November 17, 2014

Daddy-made lunch

This has to be one of my favorite lunches ever!! Why you ask? There is nothing special about it...it's a simple, basic, and unassuming lunch with no cute picks, no fancy cutters used. Well, this is a Daddy-made lunch! Yep!! Mama was feeling quite under the weather last night (insert frowny face here), and the hubs noticed my puniness as soon as he got home from work. So, he sent me off to bed at 7:30 (insert smiley face here), taking on lunch making and kitchen cleaning duty himself. And a fabulous job he did on both I have to admit. He even chose a background and took the picture in case I wanted to blog it. Well, of course I'm going to blog this!!! It would have been so much easier for him to just make the sandwich and bag up the puffs and apple. But, he took the time to follow my lunchmaking footsteps. You've got to love a man who puts as much care and effort into something as you do. Hmmmm!! Maybe I need to get sick more often! *wink* *wink*

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This lunch is packed in Easy Lunch Boxes.
  • peanut butter and strawberry all-fruit sandwich
  • Pirate's Booty cheese puffs
  • Honeycrisp Apple wedges
  • carrot rounds and black olives
  • Babybel cheese

Some of the things, or similar things, that I used to make this lunch:

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