Other Fun Stuff

Monday, October 13, 2014

Post-vacay blues lunch...

Hi Friends! I hope last week was a great one for you. My kiddos were on fall break last week, so we headed to the Smoky Mountains for the week for some R&R. It was a gorgeous time to be there, and we had a blast. Dollywood was waaaay cooler than we thought it was going to be. And the Ripley's Aquarium was awesome. A big shout out of thanks to my niece for dog sitting the Spoo for us. You rock, Alyssa!!! We didn't get home until Sunday afternoon, and we were all suffering from post-vacay blues (post-vacation blues....yeah, it's a real thing). My exhausted post vacay scrambled brain couldn't hardly fathom making a Monday lunch for the little guy...especially with 5 unpacked suitcases and that mountain of laundry staring me in the face. However, I persevered. This lunch turned out pretty cute seeing my lunch making mojo was somewhere between non-existent and defunct. Z requested pepperoni for lunch, so I skewered the pepperoni, the hotdogs, and the black olives....cute lunch making prevailed.

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This lunch is packed in Easy Lunch Boxes.
  • pepperoni, Natural Selects hotdog, and black olive skewers- The remaining hotdog pieces are hiding under the napkin.
  • Rold Gold mini pretzels
  • cheddar cheese cubes
  • 4 bean salad
  • Red Delicious apple and Craisins
  • Hershey's chocolate square

Some of the things, or similar things, that I used to make this lunch:

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