Other Fun Stuff

Friday, January 17, 2014

Superheroes week....

This week is superheroes week at Z's school. This entire week is devoted to all the kids' favorite superheroes. On Tuesday, the kids were invited to get up in class and tell who their favorite was, and why they like that superhero the best. I was privileged to attend this tell-all. First graders are some of the most creative and funny little people ever.Who knew that Aquaman was a superhero! And I never knew that Wonder Woman's car was made out of bubble gum. Her jet is invisible so this makes sense, right?? On Wednesday, the kids went to art class and drew pictures of their faves. Today, the kids get to dress up like their favorite superhero, and have a superhero party in the afternoon....so much fun for the kiddos. Of course, today's lunch had to be a superhero lunch. Z chose Superman as his favorite superhero, but I already had these cute Batman cupcake rings. So, Batman got the lunch honor. Z was quite happy with Batman, though.

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This lunch is packed in Easy Lunch Boxes.
*bat shaped almond butter and all-fruit spread sandwich with Batman cupcake ring in the middle
*white cheddar cheese Nips
*green beans with Batman cupcake ring
*black olives
*strawberries and 1/2 a Halo orange with the word "BAM" spelled out with letter picks
*linked to: Eats Amazing/ Fun Food Friday
                  Bentos on the Bayou/ Fifteen minute Fridays
                  Sun Scholars/ For the kids Friday

Some of the things, or similar things, that I used to make this lunch: